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  1.  80
    Measuring the relative magnitude of unconscious influences.Philip M. Merikle, Steve Joordens & Jennifer A. Stolz - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (4):422-39.
    As an alternative to establishing awareness thresholds, stimulus contexts in which there were either greater conscious or greater unconscious influences were defined on the basis of performance on an exclusion task. Target words were presented for brief durations and each target word was followed immediately by its three-letter stem. Subjects were instructed to complete each stem with any word other than the target word. With this task, failures to exclude target words indicate greater unconscious influences, whereas successful exclusion indicates greater (...)
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  2.  95
    Reasoned connections: A dual-process perspective on creative thought.Nathaniel Barr, Gordon Pennycook, Jennifer A. Stolz & Jonathan A. Fugelsang - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (1):61-75.
    A divide exists in the creativity literature as to whether relatively more or less executive processing is beneficial to creative thinking. To explore this issue, we employ an individual differences perspective informed by dual-process theories in which it is assumed that people vary in the extent to which they rely on autonomous or controlled processing . We find that those more willing and/or able to engage Type 2 processing are more likely to successfully make creative connections in tasks requiring the (...)
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  3.  33
    The proportion valid effect in covert orienting: Strategic control or implicit learning?Evan F. Risko & Jennifer A. Stolz - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):432-442.
    It is well known that the difference in performance between valid and invalid trials in the covert orienting paradigm increases as the proportion of valid trials increases. This proportion valid effect is widely assumed to reflect “strategic” control over the distribution of attention. In the present experiments we determine if this effect results from an explicit strategy or implicit learning by probing participant’s awareness of the proportion of valid trials. Results support the idea that the proportion valid effect in the (...)
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  4.  59
    On the role of set when reading aloud: A dissociation between prelexical and lexical processing.Jeffrey R. Paulitzki, Evan F. Risko, Shannon O’Malley, Jennifer A. Stolz & Derek Besner - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):135-144.
    Two experiments investigated the role that mental set plays in reading aloud using the task choice procedure developed by Besner and Care [Besner, D., & Care, S. . A paradigm for exploring what the mind does while deciding what it should do. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57, 311–320]. Subjects were presented with a word, and asked to either read it aloud or decide whether it appeared in upper/lower case. Task information, in the form of a brief auditory cue, appeared (...)
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  5.  28
    Controlling the narrative: Euphemistic language affects judgments of actions while avoiding perceptions of dishonesty.Alexander C. Walker, Martin Harry Turpin, Ethan A. Meyers, Jennifer A. Stolz, Jonathan A. Fugelsang & Derek J. Koehler - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104633.
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  6.  35
    Recognition of facial features in immediate memory.John G. Seamon, Jennifer A. Stolz, Douglas H. Bass & Abbe I. Chatinover - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):231-234.
  7.  39
    On the Nature of Cognitive Control and Endogenous Orienting: A Response to Chica and Bartolomeo (2010).Evan F. Risko & Jennifer A. Stolz - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):445-446.
    Chica and Bartolemeo : The proportion valid effect in covert orienting: Strategic control or implicit learning? Consciousness and Cognition,19, 443–444.) agree that our results . The proportion valid effect in covert orienting: Strategic control or implicit learning? Consciousness and Cognition,19, 432–442.) are consistent with an implicit learning account of the proportion valid effect. Nevertheless, they raise two general issues that an explicit strategy might be operative in other contexts and that orienting in response to implicit knowledge is endogenous. In our (...)
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